Kenny Mac Showdown

Kenny Mac Showdown

The Yahoo Tour played an old stopping ground course today. Ken McDonald municipal in Tempe has undergone some major improvements and proved to be a decent course.

As you can see from the picture of Joe, they have lined the course with a nice walking path for Tempe residents. As you can see Joe was very happy that these residents can stay safe on the path while they watch him hit a punch out shot.

A couple of firsts happened during the round, DMac won a 165 yard par 3 with a bogey and all four Yahoo members had makeable birdie putts on 18.

Joe managed to shoot just 3 over on the back to clench a victory which is very surprising since I played with him and actual watched his round. Let’s just say it was an ugly 79.



1 Comment

  1. Critch

    Un-fricking-believable, Un-fricking-believable!


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